= You do know England doesn't have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool....pfft makes sence to me i guess..
So after finding out that holding the X button playstation controller dosen't skip the cut scene of this animation, we find ourselfs in a room, to what i can only describe is the batchelers room of a half baked nostalgic nerd, i only say that because i think someone forgot to upgrade their games console like about 11 years ago, i mean seriously who keeps 2 balls on the floor? do i really have to go there with the heath ledgers dark knight quote, no i mean seriously what happened? did your tennis balls drop off hmmm?
But i digress, the feature starts off showing a guy with a Michael J fox mullet, styled for some hard core action, in what i could only describe are the tactics taken from some Green army guy from toy story, yeah! The scale fits!
His intentions are remarkably simple, Kill anything that's not American! oh that sweet american dream, it never dares to disappoint me.........Seriously this guy needs to get laid.
And i mean exactly that!!! he pretty much kills the British and even the freaking Natives!
Jeese this guys a douch.. oh and eh he aslo kills the camera guy, ......i guess he just learnt that the camera guy was on a expiring Visa? i dunno..
The Verdict:
I have no idea what i just saw, nor could i describe the visuals apart from it being photographed and merged with animation, this kind of style is not only underrated but is also incredibly clever if you know how to do it, The Animation is interesting with motion and set perception with the camera the presentation was more involved with camera work, in my opinion the characters were just icing on the cake to make a quick driven feature, the direction was well done and obviously is black comedy driven, the sound quality was top notch, and i laughed hard when i heard one of the familiar death screams which i remember from playing Command and conquer, the voice acting is hardcore and is well synched with the character too, if this is only just the beginning of something big, then watch out! because it's time to kick ass.